Temple of the Cormorants  - Dzibanche
Temple of the Captives - Dzibanche
Temple of the Owl - Dzibanche
Xibalba plaza - Dzibanche
Jaguar Priest
Small convenience store in a true Maya Villaga
Mayan Village homes
Newer with stucco walls and older with open wooden slats
All have plain earth flooring
Coming home from school
Kohunlich Grand Plaza
Carved masks at the Temple of the Masks - Kohunalich
Family burial crypt at Nim Li Punit
Ball court at Nim Li Punit
Stelea at Nim Li Punit for tracking the seasons
Grand Plaza at Tikal
Grand Plaza and Temple I at Tikal
Central Plaza residences at Tikal
View from the top of Temple 3 at Tikal
Grand Temple at Tikal - observatory
View from the top of the Jaguar Palace at Tikal

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